Where should you sanitize when you travel?

This is something I am deeply passionate about. In the time before COVID, you were given some weird looks for wiping down your airplane area, but I’ve always been one of those people freaked out by germs. When I was old enough to realize how nasty planes were, so began my obsession with sanitizing my area. My preferred wipe is the EO lavender sanitizing wipes; however, Lysol and Wet Ones are also great alternatives.

Where all should you wipe? Below is the comprehensive list of every place you should sanitize when traveling as these are the major touch points and are often not cleaned or sanitized. I know a few flight attendants and many mention they don’t have enough time in between flights to properly clean, instead they just pick up trash. Unless there is a major incident like someone pooping on their seat (this happens…), they usually do not wipe down or sanitize the plane.

With COVID, airlines are now saying they’re sanitizing between each flight. My thought on this is, “why weren’t you doing that previously????” I don’t trust them to actually clean my seat or tray. I’ve seen some nasty things on planes and in the back seat folder, in the tray, in my SEAT. Take it upon yourself to clean your area.

I’m going to share a horror story with you. I bought a neck pillow for my trip from Walmart. It was $15 and was actually a great neck pillow. I saw behind my friend, Ro, and next to a man who had flaky skin. No shame! I know he most likely could not help this. What he COULD help was asking if he could try my pillow on, taking it from my lap before I could answer, and rubbing his flaky neck into it. Cue my horrified face, and the woman in front of me next to Ro turned around to show me her horrified face. I tried to get him to just keep it, but he refused. So I rinsed the pillow off when we landed in Charlotte, and sprayed Lysol alllllll over it. And still slept with the airplane blanket over it.

Prior to getting on the plane, you’ll be going through security. Research has shown that the bins TSA use are never sanitized and are the dirtiest items at airports… Can you imagine? All of the shoes (which have surely walked through dog poop before), all of the suitcases, all of the jackets with dandruff and dander… Disgusting! If you have a moment in line before going through, wipe it down with a wipe. If you don’t, wipe down your suitcase, your phone, anything that touched the bin.

  • Airplane: Everything you might touch on the airplane should be wiped down.

    • Your seat. I do this first so it dries by the time I’m ready to sit. Try to not be a nuisance to your neighbors though, and maybe offer them a wipe to clean their area as well.

    • Armrests. Wipe down your armrest, especially the button to recline (if you’re that monster)

    • Tray!!!! This and the pocket behind the seat (which who actually touches this besides using it as their personal trash can?) are by far the dirtiest parts of the plane. Wipe. That. B***h. Down!

    • Vents. Have you ever thought about how many people touch the vents on the plane? A lot. If you plan on adjusting yours at all, wipe it down.

    • TV. If you’re on a flight that has a tv, wipe it down. If you don’t want to get the screen wet-ish, pack a glove to touch it.

    • Seatbelt/buckle. Again, have you ever thought about how many people touch that buckle and how infrequently it’s probably actually cleaned or sanitized? I bet the people on the flight before you picked their nose and then touched it. Or maybe you did. Clean it!

    • Your phone! There are sanitizing wipes made for your phone. Use that! I get a huge pack of these for Christmas every year and love them!

  • Hotel

    • Remote. Wipe down that remote! I had a friend who worked for a major casino in Tunica and they’d do random checks after housekeeping with UV lights and swabs to test for bacteria and viruses. The remote was consistently the most forgotten (and often one of the most touched) item to be cleaned in between stays. You can wipe it down or put in Ziploc bag to really prevent any touching.

    • Key card. As soon as the concierge hands you the card, I try to wipe it down. If not immediately, then in my room.

    • Light switches. Your room may be more modern and all you have to do is put your key card in to turn on your lights. However, you should still wipe it down. If you have the regular light switches, wipe those down! Those and the door handles are the number one touch point in hotels.

    • Counters. So much stuff is put on counters in hotels. Clothes, shoes, food, etc. Better be safe than sorry!

    • Faucets. Almost everyone touches the bathroom faucet to (hopefully) wash their hands and brush their teeth. Wipe this and the shower/bathtub faucet.

    • Door handles. The most touched part of the room! Every person touches the door handles. Housekeeping usually wipes this down, but follow behind and do it yourself to be safe.

    • Lamps. I like ~soft~ lighting, so I usually avoid the overhead lights and will turn on a few lamps instead. Wipe down the switch or pull on them and maybe the entire base if it’s on your bedside table.

    • Your phone! Again! Sanitize your phone every chance you get.

  • Etc.

    • Renting a car? Wipe down the steering wheel, control panel, and seatbelt. Lysol even has a mini spray bottle that fits within TSA guidelines. My friend, Ro, showed me this this past year on our European trip. It was incredible!

    • Eating out? I would wipe down menus and use a reusable straw.

    • Your phone!

Do you have any additional touch points you sanitize? If so, drop them in the comments below! :)


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