What’s in my Disney Parks bag?

I try not to bring a ton to the WDW parks, but I tend to be the bag lady for my group. Days at Disney can be so magical and also grueling. It can be easy to ruin your day at Disney if you aren’t prepared. I try to stick to just a fanny pack, but sometimes I’ll wear a small backpack (make sure whatever bag you bring is waterproof in case you ride a water ride or it rains). You can bring your bags on the rides, but be cognizant that you will be carrying it all day! So the lighter the better. These are the items I try to bring every time:

  • Sunscreen - I LOVE the Elta MD sunscreen. It is so good for your skin, goes on so lightweight and doesn’t smell like sunscreen. That Florida sun is crazy and you WILL get a sunburn, even in the winter (you should be wearing sunscreen every single day anyway). So pack that sunscreen and reapply.

  • Water and snacks - Disney is notoriously expensive, especially the snacks and water. Disney has no problems with you bringing in your own snacks and water (I usually pack a few airplane bottles, too) so bring your own and save some money! If you go in the summer, please be sure to stay hydrated! It is hot and crowded and you’ll be walking a lot more than you expected. Stay hydrated and keep some water with you.

  • Portable charger - your phone will die at Disney. Invest in a portable charger and bring it to the parks fully charged!

  • Chapstick - I hate when my lips are chapped, so I always have chapstick with me. If you have some with SPF in it, even better.

  • Sanitizer - With lots of people comes lots of germs. I always keep wet wipes in my purse for daily life, so I make sure to definitely have some on hand for Disney. I personally prefer sanitizing wipes over the gel (makes my hands feel cleaner and not as dry), but try to find some eco-friendly ones since normal wipes aren’t sustainable.

  • Poncho - if you go in the spring or summer, it will rain during the afternoon. But this is the best time to be at the park! Everyone leaves so the ride wait times plummet. So pack a poncho or rain jacket and stick it out.

  • If you plan on riding any of the water rides, be sure to wear waterproof shoes and have a waterproof cellphone holder. The worst thing is having wet shoes that won’t dry or your phone soaked from riding Splash Mountain.

  • Honorable Mentions: if it’s cold out, pack a jacket or hoodie I’ve been between Christmas and New Years and it can get very cold in the mornings and nights. If you plan on riding water rides, bring a towel to help dry off.


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