Basic Travel Etiquette

Travel can bring out some of the worst in people and in yourself. There a lot of hidden rules of travel and being trapped in a plane with over 100 strangers means it is easy to annoy others. Here are my top 10 tips for flight etiquette.

  1. Avoid standing up before your boarding class is called. You won’t get onto the plane any earlier, and instead you’re clogging up the check-in desk. Your boarding class will be noted on your boarding pass. Wait until its called.

  2. Try to put your carry-on in the bin space closest to your seat. Sometimes the bins near your seat will be full so you have to find the closest one to you that is empty. However, if the majority are empty, put your luggage in the bin closest to your seat. This makes sure that everyone has their allotted space.

  3. Try to avoid putting your coat in the bin space unless there is a lot of empty room. Overhead bin space is very limited on most flights. If you bring a coat on-board, keep it in your lap. Don’t utilize bin space that is supposed to be used for luggage for your coat unless it is an almost empty flight.

  4. Avoid standing up right when the plane lands. This is a big one. You won’t get off the plane any quicker, so relax for the extra 10 minutes it’ll take until it is your turn to get off the plane. Unless you are rushing to your connection and you have a short layover time, just chill. If your connection is very short, let a flight attendant know and they can maybe ask everyone to wait for you to get your stuff first.

  5. Avoid crowding the luggage belt to retrieve your bags. This won’t make your bags come any quicker. Instead, when everyone crowds around the belt, no one can see whose luggage is coming. Take a step back and only go up when your luggage arrives.

  6. Middle seat gets both interior arm rests. It’s the worst seat. Let them have the interior arm rests.

  7. Recline or don’t? My personal rule is don’t recline if someone is behind you, especially in economy. Space is already so limited, so those 3 inches your seat reclines really gets in someones’ space. If no one is behind you, recline away! If someone is, be kind and keep your seat up.

  8. Keep shoes on, especially if barefoot (just get a pedi before your trip). It is UNREAL how many people will take shoes AND socks off and prop their nasty feet up on a plane. This is not your living room. You are among other people who do not want to see your feet. If you must take your shoes off on a long-haul flight, maybe keep your socks on and place the complimentary blanket over your legs so no one sees.

  9. Wear headphones if you are listening to anything on your phone. No one wants to hear your music or movies. If you don’t have headphones, ask a flight attendant as they usually have some. If not, you’re SOL. Don’t put your music or movies on speaker.

  10. If it is “nighttime” on the plane, don’t open windows or keep your light on. Self-explanatory, but if your neighbors are trying to sleep, keep lights to a minimum. If you are reading a book and need a light, either invest in an e-reader (I love my Kindle Fire) or get a cheap book light.

All of this is supposed to make dealing with other travelers easy and conflict-free. If you have any extra tips, comment below!


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