Vodka tasting in Poland


One of the funnest parts of visiting Krakow, Poland was the Wodka Bar. Neal had some violent food poisoning at the beginning of this trip (from his work trip in Germany before we met up in Poland) so he was not in a big drinking mood. But he still came to Wodka Bar with me and we had such a blast.

Vodka is actually a Polish drink, not Russian. It was brought to Russia from Poland in 1533 and they have since claimed that vodka is Russian! But if you want the real deal, try the vodka in Poland.

There are a few in Krakow, but they are all so tiny. There is very limited seating down and upstairs. Low lighting, white walls with dark wood accents. It’s very cozy and romantic.

Wodka Bar has over 200 flavors of vodka… it is overwhelming. The bartender asked what we wanted and we asked him what he recommended. That was probably the best decision we made on the trip lol. We got 6 shots, a beer, and a sprite for $6USD. Here are the flavors and the ratings:


salted caramel - 10/10

strawberry - 8/10

honey - 7.5/10

hazelnut - 6/10

cranberry - 7/10

raspberry - 6/10

If you make it to Poland, be sure to hit up a Wodka Bar and try some vodka made by its rightful owner.


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