Solo travel safety tips

Solo travel can be scary, especially if you’re a female. However, it can be one of the greatest things you do for yourself. If you are constantly waiting for people to travel with you, you’re going to miss out on a lot. You will feel so confident and empowered and feel like you can conquer the world when you embark on a trip by yourself. However, you still need to be mindful and careful while traveling.

Keep your valuables hidden. We tend to travel with our smart phones, smart watches, e-readers, laptops, tablets, lots of jewelry, and plenty of other items that scream “steal from me!” While I’m not discouraging you to take those items with you, I am encouraging you to take stock and really choose what items are essential. If you do have to bring all of those, don’t flash them around. Store them safely in your room. Get insurance on your items as well just in case anything happens to them. (you should ALWAYS have travel insurance!).

Be confident. If you look like you're lost, you’re a target for those who are searching for tourists to take advantage of. If you are unsure of your location, pop into a store and orient yourself.

Learn emergency phrases. You should always have a few basic phrases in your back pocket when you’re traveling. If you can’t speak it, have it written out. But being able to tell locals there is an emergency or that you need help can be life-saving.

Check-in with your family and friends often. Letting your family and friends know you’re safe is always good, even if you aren’t traveling solo. Let your designated contact(s) know what you’re doing that day and check-in with them when you get back to your room. Just because you’re alone, doesn’t mean you’re lonely!

Share your location with someone. Similar to above, but share your location on your phone with someone! I share mine with all 3 of my sisters, a few of my friends, and my boyfriend. This way they can check-in and make sure they know where you are.

Research your location. Some areas are not too friendly towards female travelers or females in general. Do some research before going to see if this is the best option or find ways to remain safe in these areas. If this means wearing a fake wedding ring (which is ridiculous women have to do this in 2020), then do that. If it means postponing this trip until the area may be a bit safer, then do that.

Don’t let music or your phone distract you. When you are walking, walk with a purpose and confidence. If you are oblivious to your surroundings because you’re looking at your phone or listening to music, you are the perfect target. Thieves and bad people look for vulnerable people, do your best to look confident.

Don’t travel at night. This is typically a rule for women everywhere, but especially when you are traveling in a foreign and unfamiliar place. If you happen to find yourself out at night, take a taxi or an uber to your accommodation. If you don’t want them knowing exactly where you are staying, have them drop you off at the end or beginning of the block and walk there. Call someone (or pretend to be on the phone) while you’re walking, too.

Have a set plan. Having a set plan and itinerary leaves little room for error. This also makes you more confident as you know exactly where you’re going and what you’re doing. Share this itinerary with your friends and family. I use TripIt and I’m able to share that with my designated contacts. This way they know my flight numbers, hotel, tour times, etc.

Make copies of your travel documents. If you end up losing your passport or someone steals it, always always always have a photocopy of it on hand. This will make it much easier to get a replacement and is just good to have. This works for visas, IDs, credit cards, etc. You can save them on your phone or have actual paper copies.

Some other non-safety related tips:

If you’re worried about eating alone, try taking some cooking classes or do a food tour. There are so many ways to avoid eating alone if that is really not your jam.

If you want to have the option of meeting other people on your trips, I highly recommend joining a travel Facebook group (women, GirlsLOVETravel is great. Travel Community is also great and is open to men, too). I see so many posts from women who are traveling solo and ask if anyone in that city wants to meet up for a drink. This way, you have a new friend AND they’re a local who can show you some non-touristy spots!

If you are traveling solo, this might be a good item to purchase just to give you some peace of mind: door stop security.

Do you have any solo travel safety tips? Drop them in the comments below!


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