How to fall asleep on a plane

I can fall asleep anywhere… it’s a blessing and a curse as it usually means I am ALWAYS tired. But it helps when I’m traveling and can knock out a quick power nap on the train, plane, and automobiles (safely). However, I know how lucky I am in this regard and many people have a hard time sleeping well or sleeping at all on planes. Here are my tips for sleeping on a plane!

Book a red-eye flight.

Most people cringe at the idea of a red-eye, but when you’re traveling abroad, I always prefer an overnight flight. You leave your country at night and then wake up and it’s morning at your arrival and you’re ready to go! Just do not take a nap when you get there or you will never recover. Stay awake the entire day until it is bedtime there. You will hate me but thank me for this.

Pack a sleep aid.

I always take a Xanax and ptfo on the flight over. This helps with the anxiety that constantly plagues me and helps me rest. Take melatonin or a sleep aid pill from your pharmacy to help you. Though I would try it at home before your flight to see how you react to it.

Book the seat you’re most comfortable in.

Most people prefer window so you can lean against it. I personally prefer the aisle seat in the middle section of the plane. If you’re lucky enough to have the entire row or a few seats empty, you’ve already staked your claim (this happened to and from my Berlin trip and to Venice, it’s like a unicorn and it’s incredible).

Don’t drink too much alcohol.

While drinking may make you go to sleep quicker, studies have proven that it isn’t restorative sleep. So limit yourself to 1-2 glasses before you go to sleep.

Pack a comfortable pillow (and maybe blanket).

I personally don’t care what kind of blanket is on me while I sleep, but I like to have something over me. However, pillows are key for me to sleep. I got a $15 neck pillow from Walmart of all places that was cooling and memory foam. It was incredible! Until the man next to me with peeling skin asked to try it and grabbed it from me before I could say “absolutely not, you animal.” Thank GOD Ro had a travel Lysol so I could wash it and then spray it with it.

Wear comfortable clothing.

This does not, and will never, mean to be absolutely barefoot on a plane. People who wear sandals to the airports are next to grown men who collect dolls in my list of insane people. Have a go-to travel outfit that is comfortable, while still being respectful of those around you, and relax. My go-to is either leggings or joggers with a looser t-shirt or sweater with tennis shoes.


Before or after your flight, it’s great to stretch. It helps relieve stress, makes your body feel better, and puts you in a more restful state.

Practice your normal pre-sleep routine.

Mine includes washing my face, doing my nighttime skincare routine, and brushing my teeth. If you don’t want to do this on the plane, do it at the airport prior. I’ve done both and neither grossed me out more than the other. If yours includes drinking some tea and reading your book, go for it. Whatever tells your body and mind “it’s time for bed,” do it.

Download a sleep app.

I go to sleep with my tv on at night, but sometimes I find it distracting. So I downloaded the slumber app and it knocks me out. There is also an app that has more free episodes to listen to. Highly recommend!

Upgrade your seat if you can.

Sometimes paying for that extra legroom can really make a difference. If you book basic economy though, they sometimes won’t let you pay to upgrade.

Honorable Mention: Noise-canceling headphones. No one wants to hear the screaming baby. Invest in a high-quality pair of noise-canceling headphones (with the correct jack to plug into the tv).

Do you have any tips to help you fall asleep on planes? If so, drop them in the comments below :)


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