Hiking the acropolis - one of my favorite travel stories
One of my best friends, Dylan, and her family has invited me on more trips than anyone else. They’ve taken me to the Caribbean twice and Europe twice. Dylan likes to get rowdy. We’ve known each other since we were 4-5 years old and have always been very close so I can tell her when she’s acting insane. She sometimes listens to me lol. This was not one of those nights.
I had just turned 20 three days before this trip (Dylan was 19). Dylan and I flew by ourselves from Memphis -> Atlanta -> Venice. We got a handle of Malibu at the duty free next to our gate in Atlanta and drank a good portion of the entire flight lol. This was how our trip began and it continued at this hype level almost the entire time.
In Europe, the drinking age is 18. Dylan and I were dead set that we were going to drink legally in Europe. However, her mom (who was genuinely just looking out for us) was very against this until we got onto the cruise ship and maybe 2 days into it. Finally, I think we just beat her and Dylan’s dad down enough where they finally gave in and we split a drink package.
I was most looking forward to Athens on this trip. I was so excited to see the Acropolis, go to the museums, and just be in this city that is in every single history book in the world. I just couldn’t believe that I was going to be in Athens! The night before, Dylan, her dad, and I were at the Schooner Bar (a cool piano bar we love on Royal Caribbean ships). I was trying to not drink a ton because I knew we had a long day the next day and I didn’t want to be hungover. However, Dylan was in her sweet spot. She was drinking double Jack & Cokes in a singles glass so no one would know how much she was drinking lol. We finally went to bed around 2am.
We got off the boat around 7am….. I am not a morning person and I typically sleep around 9-10 hours a night so I was struggling. As soon as we stepped foot in Athens though, I was insane. I was running around where the first Olympics were held, I was kissing the tour guide’s ass answering all of her questions. I was downright annoying as hell. And Dylan was OVER it. She was so hungover/still a little drunk and smelled like straight Jack Daniels.
For lunch, we had authentic gyros and I was hoping that would help sober Dylan up before we had to hike the Acropolis. This did not help our girl out.
We finally get to the Acropolis. I am stoked. This is what I was most excited for this entire trip. I could not stop talking about seeing the Parthenon and being in Athens. It was finally here! We sit at the bottom and listen to our tour guide. I’m still being annoying and answering all of her questions and being teacher’s pet. Then we get to start our hike.
It is a HIKE. It was 98 degrees F outside. And I remember that because I remember thinking “holy moly it is 98 degrees outside?!” The Acropolis has around 150 steps, which is around 35 stories high. The steps are white marble, too, which means it’s slippery, they’re not even, they’re bumpy and hard to get a grip on so it is a tough hike.
I’m an idiot and wore flip flops. But when I tell you I was running up the Acropolis, I was like Rocky trying to get to the top and see the Parthenon. We stopped at a halfway point to have everyone together and to get our tickets and Dylan looked rough. She was pale and sweaty and was clutching her side breathing heavy. She said, “I think I’m going to throw up.” I told her, “you better get off the Acropolis if you are….” (I’m clearly no fun lol).
We finish our hike and get to the top and I take off running and taking photos. I come back and find Dylan and asked her how she was doing. “I threw up on the Parthenon.” I about DIED. This is an architectural and historical icon throughout millenia and she was the drunk American who vomited onto it. I think this is why we travel so well together though because I would never do anything like that but I enjoy people in my life who are fun and carefree like this. I think (or maybe just hope?) that Dylan enjoys having a friend like me who tells her when she is crazy and will give it to her straight lol.
After we finished looking at all of the ruins, we made our way down the Acropolis. Dylan and I get to the bottom and are waiting for her parents. When they made it down, we found out that her mom had actually slipped on one of the steps and fell! She had broken a hip skiing a few years back so we were freaking out praying to God that she didn’t break it again! She was okay though, thankfully.
Some of the graffiti I enjoyed
Final thoughts on Athens: Glad I did it, wouldn’t do it again. I was super disappointed with how dirty everything was. Everything is covered in graffiti (walls, storefronts, the interstate????), there are sex shops every other storefront, people are trying to get you to buy stuff the whole time. I’m aware and understand their economy has suffered in recent years, but it was just sad to see how this incredible city has turned into such a dirty city. It was probably mostly my fault for having such high expectations and being SO excited to see Athens, but I was really bummed when we left. All in all it was worth it because now I have this story of Dylan vomiting on the Parthenon.