Travel Snack Ideas

I am CEO of spending too much money at the airport on snacks and Evian (specifically). For example, a small can of Pringles typically cost around $7USD. Evian is usually $4 or $5 for one bottle (1 liter). Insane! Below are some snack ideas you can bring through security and will keep you sustained much longer than the Pringles and mimosas you’re sure to ingest during your wait.

Snack Ideas

  1. A Bento box charcuterie - There are plenty of containers that have separated areas to keep your food from touching (yes, please). There are so many ways we can utilize this for your trip! My favorite: meat and cheese and crackers. Slice up some cheese, put some pepperonis, prosciutto, or salami, add some crackers… Voila! Want to be extra bougie? Add some olives, pomegranate seeds, or cornichons.

    • My favorite airport snack I’ve ever bought is from the Orlando airport. It is a bento box with grapes, a variety of cheeses, and a mini baguette. So simple, but I still think of it to this day.

  2. Bento box veggie or fruit tray - add some baby carrots, cut up cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, broccoli, etc. Feel free to add a ranch cup from Chick-fil-a, which fits under TSA guidelines, and you’re good to go! Same with fruit :)

    • You can bring hummus, peanut butter, condiments, and other foods that technically fall under “liquids” or “pastes” if they are under 3.4 oz

  3. Popcorn - self-explanatory! I can eat popcorn mindlessly. Pack some Skinnypop or regular Orville popcorn and put it in a bag!

  4. Apples and Peanut Butter - cut up some apples ahead of time and pack some Rx Nut Butter packets and here is a healthy snack! Be careful with this option though, especially if you’re on the plane eating this since some have severe allergic reactions to nuts!

  5. Uncrustable - this is my go-to. I looooove an uncrustable like no other. I keep mine in the freezer, so when I’m ready to leave, I pop one in my backpack or purse and by the time I make it through security, it’s thawed to perfection. I love the classic peanut butter and grape jelly, but they now have other options like strawberry jelly, whole wheat, even taco or ham and cheese!

  6. Wraps - these are great because they’re easily portable! Make your favorite wrap at home, pack it up in a baggie, and take it to-go!

  7. Salads - same as wraps! My sister makes an incredible salad with kale, breadcrumbs, shredded parm, and bacon. The dressing consists of dijon mustard, lemon juice, olive oil, S+P. Make this ahead of time, and enjoy an incredibly healthy meal.

  8. Muffins, banana bread, cookies. Self-explanatory :)

Things to avoid

  • Smelly foods like jerky, eggs, tuna, etc. Be mindful of those around you, especially on the plane.

  • Instant meals (like ramen, oatmeal, etc.) - I don’t trust the water on planes, so I wouldn’t recommend making this in-flight. However, if you don’t mind airplane water then this is an okay option. Just ask for hot water.

  • Allergens - I stated above that peanut butter is a good item to bring, but I highly recommend eating this before getting on the plane… please.

  • Yogurt. It tends to explode if you open it at high altitudes. If you must have yogurt, open it veeeeery slowly to avoid a mess.

When packing airplane snacks, consider using eco-friendly collapsible Tupperware, beeswax wraps, silicone sandwich and snack bags, and camping sporks you can reuse throughout your travels.

If you have any other snack ideas, leave them below in the comments :)


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